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Minggu, 27 Februari 2011

Cara Cepat Meningkatkan Pagerank
Ini adalah pengalaman saya setelah menelusuri berbagai macam cara untuk meningkatkan pagerank blog kita.
Mau tahu cara cepat update PageRank di Google…? Makanya jangan dulu menganggap remeh penyebaran produk dengan sistem Multi Level Marketing & dalam postingan kali ini saya mau mencoba mengajak teman2 semua untuk memanfaatkan kedahsyatan faktor kali dan kecepatan penyebaran ini dalam bentuk backlink.

Caranya gampang kok, Yang perlu sobat lakukan adalah meletakkan link-link berikut ini di blog atau artikel sobat.
1. Komunitas Dunia Maya
2. Nofita
3. Ququy
4. Informasi Terbaru
5. Raden Somad
6. Terbaru 2011
8. Antena Bugil
9. Enimnet51 10.Finaltemp283.blogspot.com                                                                                                                Tapi ingat, sebelum sobat meletakkan link diatas, sobat harus menghapus peserta nomor 1 dari daftar. Sehingga semua peserta naik 1 level. Yang tadi nomor 2 jadi nomor 1, nomor 3 jadi 2, dst. Kemudian masukkan link punya sobat sendiri di bagian paling bawah (nomor 10). Jika tiap peserta mampu mengajak 5 orang saja, maka jumlah backlink yang akan didapat adalah
Ketika posisi sobat 10, jumlah backlink = 1
Posisi 9, jml backlink = 5
Posisi 8, jml backlink = 25
Posisi 7, jml backlink = 125
Posisi 6, jml backlink = 625
Posisi 5, jml backlink = 3,125
Posisi 4, jml backlink = 15,625
Posisi 3, jml backlink = 78,125
Posisi 2, jml backlink = 390,625
Posisi 1, jml backlink = 1,953,125Dan semuanya menggunakan kata kunci yang sobat inginkan. Dari sisi SEO sobat sudah mendapatkan 1,953,125 backlink dan efek sampingnya, jika pengunjung web/blog para downline sobat mengklik link itu, juga membuat ngeblog sobat mendapatkan traffik tambahan.
Nah, silahkan copy paste artikel ini, dan hilangkan peserta nomor 1 lalu tambahkan link blog/website sobat di posisi 10. Ingat, sobat harus mulai dari posisi 10 agar hasilnya maksimal. Karena jika sobat tiba di posisi 1, maka link sobat akan hilang begitu ada yang masuk ke posisi 10.
Saya yakin dalam waktu yang singkat, Pagerank blog sobat pasti langsung naik drastis di luar dugaan sobat. Selamat mencoba trik rahasia ini..!
Bagaimana.. ? apa sobat semua berkenan? kalau iya copy paste aja! trs sarankan keteman yang lain supaya terus menyebar!
tugasnya gampang koq! copy paste trik ini lalu sarankan ke teman yang lain begitu pula seterusnya!
laporkan bila ada link yang rusak
Sobatku semua, gmn klo kt cb cr yg ditawarkan oleh salah satu teman blogger kt soal sistem "Multi Level Backlink" ini, di samping cr tsb, cr yg ada tetap kt jalankan spt biasa bersilaturrahmi / bertukar kunjungan.. ada yg setuju gak.? atau ada masukan lain.. Silakan beri komentar di ruang cbox bawah ini untuk kepentingan kt bersama …

Sumber: copas dari sob. Enimnet51
One great thing about the guitar is that there are many stuff you can learn to play on the guitar without needing to understand any music theory. However, at some time, to be able to understand how playing the guitar works on a much deeper level, you need to know some basic guitar theory. Guitar theory will allow you to learn chords, scales, and other abilities about the guitar such as sight reading, that will permit you to definitely rapidly improve in your instrument.

Lets take a look some methods to obtain a grip in your guitar theory so that you can learn beginner guitar.

Understand playing the guitar notes:

You'll have a much easier time mastering theory in your six string by mastering your notes about the fretboard of your guitar. The bare minimum with this is to learn the first four frets on the first six strings of the guitar. The more you know where the important points are on the fretboard the simpler you will be able to figure out key placement for notes and scales on your guitar.

Learn practical piano: Just about all modern theory is based on the piano. Although it's not necessary to master piano to learn guitar theory, it sure helps accelerate the process. When learning theory in your instrument, you need to know some what is known as functional keyboard. Functional piano is not understanding how to experience the piano. Practical piano is where you take standard music theory which originates from the piano, and applying it to your guitar. Thankfully, You do not understand how to take part in the piano, just be aware of chords of the piano. Learning notes about the piano is really really simple when compared with mastering all of the notes in your six string.

Learn and apply standard music theory:

Standard theory basically includes mastering how to read music, intervals, scales, chords, and rhythm. Similar to mastering beginner guitar, there are several very practical steps that fit one to another while studying music theory. One key, however, to mastering music theory for that guitar would be to learn how to apply what you are in theory learning immediately.

Look for a guitar instructor you never know guitar theory:

Putting the concepts of music theory can be dramatically improved by finding a music theory teacher. Even better, look for a guitar instructor who understands standard music theory and how to put it on to the guitar.
In some homes water treatment is a necessity. Not every home in Canada has access to good, clean water. This is especially true for those living in rural areas and those living in cities with older city water systems. Without home water treatment, tap water can contain an overabundance of minerals, bacteria, or even parasites. Water purification can both soften water for washing or bathing and make it 100 percent safe for drinking. Two forms of water treatment include water softeners and ultraviolet disinfection.

Water softeners are fixtures that filter water, removing hard minerals that can be the cause of several problems. Hard water is not only bad for the hair and skin, but it also makes everyday chores like washing dishes and doing laundry almost impossible. In addition, there are several financial costs involved in having hard water. It is estimated that a family of four can save over $90 each month with a water softener system.

One of the ways water softening will save you money is in soap costs. Soap and detergents fail to create suds and do their job as cleaners in water that is too hard. A water softener can end up saving you up to 70 percent on your current expenditures for soap.Another way home water softening saves money is in water heating costs. Hard water takes much more energy to heat and it eventually corrodes water heaters, so they have to be replaced much sooner than their average lifespan indicates. Heating costs can be reduced by 20 percent after installing a water softener.

An ultraviolet disinfection water treatment system is a chemical-free way to kill bacteria and other micro organisms that may be contaminating your groundwater. These machines irradiate water with UV-C radiation with wavelengths of 240-280 nanometres. This radiation is deadly to micro organisms as it destroys their DNA. It is also very effective against parasites, even those that are very resistant to chemical disinfectants.

UV water treatment, known as photolysis, is not only effective; it is also very affordable when compared to the cost of other types of treatments. The best part is that you don’t need to do anything. The UV system does all the labour for you.
If you have driven through Sydney in more recent times it is obvious that there is a high demand for parking spaces and the parking spaces that are available are very expansive.

This will continue as Sydney's population grows and our car manufacturing industry booms.

With few official council car parks available to commuters, and little subsidizing of this cost by employers, a clear demand exists for quality and affordable car park space. As a result, new services have arisen allowing those who may have a spare spot in Sydney to connect them with the commuters who are in such desperate need. This ends up being a win-win situation for all parties involved.

Now is the time to get in on a share of this exciting new market. As reported recently, parking in Sydney is big business with parking costs going through the roof. This has lead to the private parking market being primed to explode.

With the internet making it easier than ever before to advertise private parking spots or car parks, there is no need to go through any huge expense to advertise a spare space you may have. Putting up an ad for your Sydney car park is only a click away, with extremely profitable results for this most passive service you are providing. Easier money could not be made! Not only is this easy money in your pocket, but think of all the people you could be helping who are in desperate need of parking.

The stressed businessman who is running late to a meeting and has to pay over $40 to park for a few hours will be all too happy to thank you for giving him that alternative of his own private Sydney parking spot that will be there for him every day, or the employees who have been left with no other option but to commute on crowded city busses each morning will now have the to rent your parking space saving them time and money.

There is no reason not to participate in this type of service if you have parking to spare that is just sitting, unused, somewhere in the city.

The growing demand for parking in Sydney is a major concern, but with car parking rental opportunities fast becoming a popular trend, Sydney's parking issues could be driving customers to your door, literally!

It’s basically instant money for you, and a big sigh of relief for commuters and other visitors to the city.